
23-24 School Board

Position #1

Ryan Ceniga
[email protected]
541/ 228-4446



Member Began: 06/21
Term Expires: 06/30/27

Position #2

Jim Anderson
[email protected]
541/ 953-6510



Member Began: 07/23
Term Expires: 06/30/25

Position #3

Kristina Holton, Vice Chair
[email protected]
541/ 521-3773



Member Began: 7/21
Term Expires: 6/30/25

Position #4

Daniel Allred, Chair
[email protected]
541/ 998-2060



Member Began: 7/15
Term Expires: 6/30/27

Position #5

Mark Inman
[email protected]
541/ 841-8111


Member Began: 3/20
Term Expires: 6/30/25
Appointed 6/13/20

Position #6

Jacque Gerdes
[email protected]
541/ 998-2121


Member Began: 7/03
Term Expires: 6/30/25

Position #7

Wendy Waddell
[email protected]
541/ 228-7372


Member Began: 4/14
Term Expires: 6/30/27
Appointed 4/7/14






April 28, 2021


The Junction City School Board is pleased to announce and welcome Mr. Troy Stoops as the new superintendent of the district effective July 1, 2021.


According to board chair, Mr. Gibson, “Mr. Stoops will be a great asset to our school district and community. He comes to us with a wealth of knowledge in running a rural district like Junction City. I’m calling him Mr. cool, calm and collected!”


Since 2011 Mr. Stoops has been the Mt. Angel school district superintendent. He has also held a variety of roles in education including but not limited to high school principal and elementary principal in the Mt. Angel school district, principal of a K-8 school, district assessment coordinator, and high school agriculture science and technology teacher in the Silver Falls school district. Mr. Stoops earned his master’s degree in teaching at Oregon State University and his administrative credentials Portland State University.


“It is a sincere honor to join the Junction City School District and surrounding community. The opportunity to work with the JC community of teachers, leaders and learners to "Engage, Inspire and Educate" every child, every day is my passion. Connecting with staff and families to learn more about the JC traditions and values will be a primary focus for my initial time as the district leader. Our collective efforts will be working to not only recover from the isolation and restrictions of the pandemic, but to emerge stronger than ever by moving every student from where they are, to a common place of personal and academic success.” – Troy Stoops


The Junction City school board is pleased to have Mr. Stoops as our new superintendent and look forward to many successful years working together.


For more information, contact Scott Gibson at [email protected].




28 de abril, 2021


La Junta Escolar de Junction City tiene el placer de anunciar y darle la bienvenida al Sr. Troy Stoops como el nuevo superintendente del distrito en efecto el 1 de julio, 2021.


Conforme al presidente de la junta, Sr. Gibson, “Sr. Stoops será un gran active a nuestro distrito escolar y la comunidad. El viene a nosotros con una riqueza de conocimiento en dirigiendo un distrito rural como Junction City. ¡Le estoy llamando el Sr. tranquilo, calmado y acumulado!


Desde el 2011 el Sr. Stoops ha sido el superintendente del distrito escolar de Mt. Angel. También ha ocupado varios puestos en la educación incluyendo, pero no limitado a director de la escuela preparatoria y director de la primaria en el distrito escolar de Mt. Angel, director de una escuela K-8, coordinador de evaluaciones del distrito, y maestro de ciencias agriculturas y tecnología de la escuela preparatoria en Silver Falls. El Sr. Stoops obtuvo su título de maestría en Enseñanza en la Universidad de Oregon State y sus credenciales administrativos de la Universidad de Portland State.


“Es un gran honor de unirme al Distrito Escolar de Junction City y la comunidad que nos rodea. La oportunidad de trabajar con los maestros, líderes y alumnos de la Comunidad de JC para “Captar, Inspirar y Educar” cada niño/a, cada día es mi pasión. Conectándome con el personal y las familias para aprender más sobre las tradiciones de JC y los valores será mi enfoque principal para mi tiempo inicial como el líder del distrito. Nuestros esfuerzos colectivos serán para trabajar no solamente para recuperarnos del aislamiento y las restricciones de la pandemia, pero para salir más fuertes que nunca al mover cada estudiante de donde están, a un lugar común para el éxito personal y académico.” – Troy Stoops


La junta escolar de Junction City le complace tener al Sr. Stoops como nuestro nuevo superintendente y miramos hacia adelante para varios años exitosos trabajando juntos.


Para mas información, contacte a Scott Gibson al [email protected].  



 April 19, 2021 - Superintendent Staff/Community Forum Location - Meet and Greet


Junction City School Board Names Finalists for District’s Next Superintendent


The staff/community “meet and greet” with the four superintendent finalists will take place on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at Junction City High School from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Comment cards will be provided for participants to share thoughts with the school board after the event. The four finalists are:


Thomas “Allen” Barber – JCHS Media Center

Mr. Barber has worked in the Eagle Point School District since 2007. He has held a variety of roles including middle and high school principal as well as Human Resources Director for eight of those 14 years. In 2006 he was named the Oregon Symphony Music Educator of the Year. Mr. Barber earned his master’s degree in Music from Western Kentucky University and his administrative credentials from Southern Oregon University.


Dina Marschall – JCHS West Wing Staff Lounge

Since 2017, Ms. Marschall has been the co-principal of Junction City High School. Prior to that she was the principal of Territorial Elementary School, K-8 TAG Program coordinator and the Site Supervisor for the KITS program all within the Junction City School District. Ms. Marschall received her master’s degree in Teaching and Health Education from Oregon State University and her administrative credentials from Concordia University in Chicago, IL.


Sandra Price – JCHS Downstairs Collaboration Space

Since 2012, Ms. Price has been the Director of Elementary Education with the Salem-Keizer School District and the Director of School Improvement since 2020. Prior to that she was the School Improvement Program supervisor/administrator with Lane ESD for five years and the principal of Yoncalla Elementary/Middle School for three years. Ms. Price earned her master’s degree in Educational Leadership and her administrative credentials from the University of Oregon.


Troy Stoops – JCHS Upstairs Collaboration Space

Mr. Stoops has been the superintendent of the Mt. Angel School District since 2011. Prior to that he was the high school principal for three years and the elementary principal for six years also in the Mt. Angel School District. Mr. Stoops earned his master’s degree in Teaching at Oregon State University and his administrative credentials from Portland State University.


18 de abril, 2021  Ubicación del Foro Comunitario/Personal del Superintendente 


La Junta Escolar de Junction City nombra a los finalistas para el/la próximo/a superintendente del distrito


“El conocer y saludar” del personal/la comunidad con los cuatro finalistas para superintendente se llevará a cabo el miércoles, 21 de abril, 2021 en la Escuela Preparatoria de Junction City de 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Tarjetas de comentarios se les proporcionará a los participantes para compartir pensamientos con la junta escolar después del evento.


Thomas “Allen” Barber – JCHS Centro de Medios

El Sr. Barber ha trabajado en el Distrito Escolar de Eagle Point desde el 2007. Él ha ocupado una variedad de trabajos incluyendo el director de la escuela preparatoria y secundaria tal como el Director de Recursos Humanos por ocho de esos 14 años. En el 2006 fue nombrado el Educador de Música Sinfónica del Año en Oregon. El Sr. Barber obtuvo su maestría en Música de la Universidad de Western Kentucky y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Southern Oregon.


Dina Marschall – JCHS Edificio Oeste Sala del Personal

Desde el 2017, la Sra Marschall ha sido la co-directora de la Escuela Preparatoria de Junction City. Antes de eso ella era la directora de la Escuela Primaria Territorial, K-8 coordinadora del Programa de TAG y la Supervisora del Sitio para el programa de KITS todos dentro del Distrito Escolar de Junction City. La Sra. Marschall recibió su título de maestría en Enseñanza y Educación de Salud de la Universidad de Oregon State y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Concordia en Chicago, IL.


Sandra Price – JCHS Primer Piso Espacio de Colaboración

Desde el 2012, la Sra. Price ha sido la Directora de la Educación Primaria con el Distrito Escolar de Salem-Keizer y la Directora de Mejoramiento Escolar desde el 2020. Antes de eso ella era la supervisora/administradora del Programa Mejoramiento Escolar con Lane ESD por cinco años y la directora de la Escuela Primaria/Secundaria de Yoncalla por tres años. La Sra. Price obtuvo su título de maestría en Liderazgo Educativos y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Oregon.


Troy Stoops – JCHS Segundo Piso Espacio de Colaboración

El Sr. Stoops ha sido el superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Mt. Angel desde el 2011. Antes de eso él era el director de la escuela preparatoria por tres años y el director de la primaria por seis años también en el Distrito Escolar de Mt. Angel. El Sr. Stoops obtuvo su título de maestría en Enseñanza en la Universidad de Oregon State y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Portland State.



Los protocolos del COVID-19 se harán cumplir estrictamente.





COVID-19 protocols will be strictly enforced.



 April 6, 2021


Junction City School Board Names Finalists for District’s Next Superintendent


After completing a multi-state search, the Junction City School District board of directors is pleased to announce that four finalists have been selected for further consideration to be the next superintendent for the Junction City School District. The four finalists are:


Thomas “Allen” Barber

Mr. Barber has worked in the Eagle Point School District since 2007. He has held a variety of roles including middle and high school principal as well as Human Resources Director for eight of those 14 years. In 2006 he was named the Oregon Symphony Music Educator of the Year. Mr. Barber earned his master’s degree in Music from Western Kentucky University and his administrative credentials from Southern Oregon University.


Dina Marschall

Since 2017, Ms. Marschall has been the co-principal of Junction City High School. Prior to that she was the principal of Territorial Elementary School, K-8 TAG Program coordinator and the Site Supervisor for the KITS program all within the Junction City School District. Ms. Marschall received her master’s degree in Teaching and Health Education from Oregon State University and her administrative credentials from Concordia University in Chicago, IL.


Sandra Price

Since 2012, Ms. Price has been the Director of Elementary Education with the Salem-Keizer School District and the Director of School Improvement since 2020. Prior to that she was the School Improvement Program supervisor/administrator with Lane ESD for five years and the principal of Yoncalla Elementary/Middle School for three years. Ms. Price earned her master’s degree in Educational Leadership and her administrative credentials from the University of Oregon.


Troy Stoops

Mr. Stoops has been the superintendent of the Mt. Angel School District since 2011. Prior to that he was the high school principal for three years and the elementary principal for six years also in the Mt. Angel School District. Mr. Stoops earned his master’s degree in Teaching at Oregon State University and his administrative credentials from Portland State University.


The school board will begin background and reference checks for the finalists over the next few weeks. Each finalist will be invited for a “day in the district” on Wednesday, April 21st. At that time, staff and members of the community will have an opportunity to meet the candidates. The staff/community “meet and greet” will be held in the evening on April 21st, the time and location will be announced soon. Comment cards will be provided for participants to share thoughts with the school board after the event.


COVID-19 protocols will be strictly enforced.



La Junta Escolar de Junction City nombra a los finalistas para el/la próximo/a superintendente del distrito


Después de completar una búsqueda de varios estados, la junta directiva del Distrito Escolar de Junction City tiene el placer de anunciar que cuatro finalistas se han seleccionado para consideración adicional para ser el/la próximo/a superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Junction City. Los cuatro finalistas son:


Thomas “Allen” Barber

El Sr. Barber ha trabajado en el Distrito Escolar de Eagle Point desde el 2007. Él ha ocupado una variedad de trabajos incluyendo el director de la escuela preparatoria y secundaria tal como el Director de Recursos Humanos por ocho de esos 14 años. En el 2006 fue nombrado el Educador de Música Sinfónica del Año en Oregon. El Sr. Barber obtuvo su maestría en Música de la Universidad de Western Kentucky y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Southern Oregon.


Dina Marschall

Desde el 2017, la Sra Marschall ha sido la co-directora de la Escuela Preparatoria de Junction City. Antes de eso ella era la directora de la Escuela Primaria Territorial, K-8 coordinadora del Programa de TAG y la Supervisora del Sitio para el programa de KITS todos dentro del Distrito Escolar de Junction City. La Sra. Marschall recibió su título de maestría en Enseñanza y Educación de Salud de la Universidad de Oregon State y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Concordia en Chicago, IL.


Sandra Price

Desde el 2012, la Sra. Price ha sido la Directora de la Educación Primaria con el Distrito Escolar de Salem-Keizer y la Directora de Mejoramiento Escolar desde el 2020. Antes de eso ella era la supervisora/administradora del Programa Mejoramiento Escolar con Lane ESD por cinco años y la directora de la Escuela Primaria/Secundaria de Yoncalla por tres años. La Sra. Price obtuvo su título de maestría en Liderazgo Educativos y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Oregon.


Troy Stoops

El Sr. Stoops ha sido el superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Mt. Angel desde el 2011. Antes de eso él era el director de la escuela preparatoria por tres años y el director de la primaria por seis años también en el Distrito Escolar de Mt. Angel. El Sr. Stoops obtuvo su título de maestría en Enseñanza en la Universidad de Oregon State y sus credenciales administrativas de la Universidad de Portland State.


La junta escolar comenzara la verificación de antecedentes y referencias para los finalistas en las próximas semanas. Cada finalista será invitado/a a un “día en el distrito” el miércoles, 21 de abril. En ese momento, los miembros de la comunidad tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a los candidatos. El “conocer y saludar” del personal/la comunidad se llevará a cabo por la tarde el 21 de abril, la hora y el lugar se anunciará pronto. Tarjetas de comentarios se proporcionarán a los participantes para compartir pensamientos con la junta escolar después del evento.


Protocolos del COVID-19 se harán cumplir estrictamente.

JCSD Strategic Goals:
Goal 1 Learning:
All students will learn from an aligned curriculum that is relevant, rigorous, and engaging.
Goal 2 Culture:
Advance a culture where every student is known, connected, and belongs through community ownership, consistent communication, and inclusivity.
Goal 3 Facilities:
Implement a comprehensive district facilities plan that meets the current and future needs of the JC community.
JCSD Metas Estratégicas:
Objetivo de Aprendizaje 1:
Todos los estudiantes aprenderán de un currículo  alineado que es relevante, riguroso, y motivador.
Meta de Cultura 2:
Implementar un plan integral de instalaciones del distrito que cumpla  con las necesidades actuales y futuras de la comunidad de JC.
Meta de Instalaciones 3:
Avanzar una cultura dónde cada estudiante es conocido, conectado, y pertenece  a través de la propiedad de la comunidad, comunicación consistente, y inclusión.

School Board


August 26, 2024
September 23, 2024

October 28, 2024

November 27, 2023

December - No Meeting
January 27, 2025

February 24, 2025

March 17, 2025

April 28, 2025

May 19, 2025

June 23, 2025


JSCD Board Meeting


February 10, 2025 Special Board Meeting / Executive Session - 6:00 p.m. - Agenda


February 12, 2025 - Board Monitoring Work Session #2 - JCHS Collaboration Space 6:00 p.m. - Agenda TBA


February 24, 2025
6:00pm - Agenda TBA


Zoom Meeting Link

Passcode: m5pe7x

(Zoom hand-raising feature is not active/moderated.)


District Board Room

325 Maple Street

Junction City, OR  97448
Minutes will be posted after approval at the following month's board meeting.
Board Meeting Recordings
The volume for the January 2025 Board meeting is very low, please be patient with us as we adjust the settings. We hope to have it fixed for the February board meeting.
Facilities Steering Committee
The Facility Steering Committee Minutes have been moved here.