Learning & Instruction » Integrated Guidance

Integrated Guidance

The Integrated Guidance Plan aligns six separate federal and state programs that work together to increase student achievement. The plan provides the Astoria School District with the information needed to engage the community, assess the needs of the district, and plan and implement programs to impact student learning. By bringing these six programs together, it streamlines the application process, implementation, and evaluation of the services provided by these programs. 

The six programs are: High School Success, Student Success Act, Continuous Improvement Planning, Career and Technical Education, Every Day Matters, and Early Indicator Intervention Systems.


Integrated Guidance Programs

Junction City Integrated Guidance Application

The practices and approaches being invested in by the Student Investment Account are intended to
be an important part of overall district and system improvement efforts. The longitudinal performance growth targets required by the Student Success Act can provide a picture of key points of student progress and growth. They don’t, however, show every aspect of student growth or cohort growth, nor are they intended to. It is important to acknowledge that several of the ways SIA funds can be used do not and will not directly or immediately correspond to changes in the common metrics established in the Act (Section 12) for ODE to monitor performance. 

High School Success is a fund initiated by ballot Measure 98 in November 2016. The intent of High School Success is to improve student progress toward graduation beginning with grade 9, increase the graduation rates of high schools, and improve high school graduates’ readiness for college and career.  All High School Success recipients must meet eligibility requirements in order to receive and spend funds. Eligibility requirements ensure schools and districts put systems into place designed to look at what data they collect and begin the process of improving data literacy.
Funding is provided to establish or expand programs in three specific areas:

  • Dropout Prevention
  • Career & Technical Education
  • College-Level Education Opportunities
What is the Student Investment Account?
Close to $500 million in non-competitive grant money for all Oregon school districts and eligible charter schools.
New money has two purposes:
1. Meet students’ mental and behavioral health needs.
2. Increase academic achievement and reduce academic disparities for:
• Students of color;
• Students with disabilities;
• Emerging bilingual students; and
• Students navigating poverty, homelessness, and foster care; and other students that have historically experienced disparities in our schools.

What is the Continuous Improvement Process?

Schools and districts in Oregon are called upon to engage in continuous improvement work to improve outcom

Continuous Improvement Plan

es for students.
A continuous improvement process is the process by which districts and schools:

  • Determine what is working and what needs to change;
  • Establish a process to engage stakeholders to effect change;
  • Leverage effective practices to implement a plan;
  • Use data to monitor and make timely adjustments to improve outcomes.


The continuous improvement process results in the development of an ambitious, priority-driven action plan where routine collaboration and decision-making among district leaders is reflected throughout implementation. 


The Every Student Succeeds Act requires states to develop accountability models that meaningfully differentiate schools for supports. As part of Oregon’s commitment to strengthening school district systems, ODE will partner with school districts to better support schools in need of targeted or comprehensive supports. For the 22-23 school year, Laurel Elementary, Oaklea Middle School, and Junction City High School were identified as Targeted Support & Improvement Schools. This is defined as "any school with a specific group of students with a Level 1 in at least half of the rated indicators, which include four-year graduation rate and five-year completer rate."


Territorial Elementary CIP Plan 24-25

Laurel Elementary CIP Plan 24-25 (TSI)

Oaklea Middle School CIP Plan 24-25 (TSI)

Junction City High School CIP Plan 24-25 (TSI)


The Student Success Act, House Bill 3427, creates a grant program to assist school districts with implementing early indicator and intervention systems (EIIS). The goal of the EIIS grant program is to align school, district, and community systems to help students stay on track to graduate from high school.

An EIIS is a process that relies on available data to identify, support and monitor students who are at risk for leaving school before graduating. The main component of an EIIS is a predictive analytics system that uses data to identify students who may need additional interventions to stay on the graduation track. These data points often include attendance, behavior, and course performance, as research indicates that they are powerful predictors of high school completion. To assist with the usage of data, these systems typically include reporting functions and custom-designed data dashboards. In addition, an EIIS may include other implementation supports, such as EIIS staffing, intervention activities, school-based EIIS teams, professional development, progress-monitoring, technical assistance, communication support, and community engagement.