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Fundraiser Information & Forms
Effective in 2008, Oregon statute set nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold outside the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs during the school day or during extended school hours for activities such as clubs, yearbook, athletic practice, band and drama rehearsals. It includes fundraisers during school, but not athletic events, theater performances and recitals or other gatherings where parents/community members are significant parts of the audience.
The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 provided USDA authority to establish nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold outside of the Federal child nutrition programs in schools. July 1, 2014 was the initial implementation date for Smart Snacks.
As a result of the federal regulations, Oregon adopted new legislation in 2015 – Oregon Smart Snacks. This legislation follows federal guidelines but includes the flexibility for states to establish additional standards.
Forms and more information regarding food and beverages are listed below.